We believe good vibes start in the morning


It's no secret that most of us don't have time to make a nutritious breakfast.

Whether it's because you're rushing out the door or simply don't have the time to make something, your morning meal can often be a quick (and sometimes unhealthy) grab-and-go option, if anything at all.

That's why we created Morning Greens: to help busy people like you get more nutrients and energy in the morning - and keep it going throughout the day. With organic superfoods packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein, this blend will give you everything you need to start your day off right.

Try Morning Greens each morning before your coffee or tea and feel the difference.

Our story

Hi! I'm Mac, a Northern Beaches resident and founder of Avalon Health Club.

As someone who has worked in the corporate world for years, I’ve experienced my fair share of burnout, stress, and low energy levels. Despite trying out various diets and fitness routines, I found myself struggling to stay alert and energised throughout the day.

It wasn't until my partner, Cassie, introduced me to her delicious breakfast smoothies made with super greens and protein powder that I began to realise my "healthy" breakfasts of cereal or toast were actually packed with sugar and processed foods that only left me feeling more exhausted and prone to snacking.

After incorporating super greens, protein powder and cacao into my diet, I started noticing improvements in my energy levels and mental clarity. Mid-morning crashes became a thing of the past, and I found myself snacking less throughout the day.

I was so passionate about this discovery that I started telling my friends and family about the benefits of shifting away from sugary and processed foods in the morning. However, I couldn't recommend a product that embodied all of the qualities I was looking for in a super greens and protein blend.

After a year of working with certified organic manufacturers in Australia, I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Morning Greens! This blend contains the five most nutrient-dense organic super greens, vegan-friendly pea and rice plant protein, and our secret ingredients - cacao and monk fruit for a delicious taste and focus boost.

Say goodbye to sugar crashes and hello to sustained energy with Morning Greens! It tastes delicious too!